Management of Missing Premolar in Growing Child: A Case Report
Sunkara Pavanvardhan
Keywords :
Case report, Dentigerous cyst, Enucleation, Growing children, Mini-implant
Citation Information :
Pavanvardhan S. Management of Missing Premolar in Growing Child: A Case Report. J South Asian Assoc Pediatr Dent 2023; 6 (3):143-146.
Aim and objective: To evaluate a new technique of prosthetic rehabilitation of missing premolars in growing children using mini-implant.
Background: Treatment modalities for restoring missing teeth include removable partial dentures and tooth-bonded prostheses. They have the disadvantage of loss of alveolar bony architecture, discomfort, and frequent replacement or modification. The mini-implant mimics the implant in many aspects, and hence, can overcome the above drawbacks.
Case description: A 12-year-old male patient had undergone enucleation of a dentigerous cyst involving the mandibular second premolar. A few months after surgery, the patient reported to the department of paediatric and preventive dentistry for the replacement of missing teeth. To prevent loss of alveolar width and length, a mini-implant was inserted and the composite build was done with an incremental technique.
Conclusion: Mini-implant could be a better alternative to removable partial dentures and tooth-bonded prostheses.
Clinical significance: Considering the various advantages of a mini-implant, it could act as a predecessor for an implant.
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