VOLUME 1 , ISSUE 1 ( January-June, 2018 ) > List of Articles
Gurvanit Kaur Lehl, Kamalpreet Chinna
Keywords : dentistry,immunodeficiency,prevention,occupational exposure
Citation Information : Lehl GK, Chinna K. Questionnaire on HIV/AIDS related knowledge among undergraduate dental students and dentists. J South Asian Assoc Pediatr Dent 2018; 1 (1):16-21.
DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10077-3006
License: NA
Published Online: 01-06-2018
Copyright Statement: NA
Background: As dental students and practitioners are involved in care of HIV / AIDS patients, it is essential that they have knowledge of this disorder. Objective: To assess the knowledge of undergraduate students, interns and dentists regarding HIV /AIDS through a questionnaire. Methods : A self-administered questionnaire on HIV/AIDS completed by 136 BDS students, interns and dentists was analyzed. The participants were grouped as Pre-clinical (Group A), Third Year (Group B), Final year (Group C) BDS students and Interns and Dentists (Group D). Results : A majority knew the full form of AIDS and the common modes of HIV transmission i.e. sexual, mother-to-child, contaminated needle and blood products. All groups ranked commercial sex workers to be at the highest risk. Dentists were ranked lowest risk by Group A, second highest risk by Group B and third highest risk by Group C and D. The majority identified recapping as a cause of needlestick injuries. The knowledge of management of needle stick injuries including consultation with experts and post-exposure prophylaxis was unsatisfactory in all groups. Information on management of blood spills in the workplace was inadequate while disinfectants were recommended by the majority in Group B and D. Most students know the clinical feature of AIDS as Candidiasis, Kaposi’s sarcoma and Oral Hairy Leukoplakia. Knowledge about anti-retroviral agents was also unsatisfactory. Use of surgical gloves for prevention of transmission of infection was indicated by all groups while Group B, C and D also identified the need to wear gowns, masks, eye protection (goggles). The participants perceived that reduction of HIV/AIDS could be achieved by public awareness, needle-safety practices, safe sex and safe blood transfusion. Conclusion: The study highlights lack of adequate knowledge of students and interns about HIV and various aspects of occupational exposures to potentially infectious material.