Overhauling the Anophthalmos due to Retinoblastoma in Pediatric Patient: A Case Report
Alka Gupta, Shweta Pandey
Keywords :
Anophthalmos, Case report, Enucleation, Ocular prosthesis, Retinoblastoma, Self-Esteem
Citation Information :
Gupta A, Pandey S. Overhauling the Anophthalmos due to Retinoblastoma in Pediatric Patient: A Case Report. J South Asian Assoc Pediatr Dent 2024; 7 (1):46-49.
Anophthalmos, which means ”absence of eye,” is not only a physical or physiological but also a psychosocial burden on a growing child. Retinoblastoma has been found to be the most common tumor of ocular origin, management of which often includes enucleation of the affected eye, rendering the patient disabled. This article is intended to emphasize the rehabilitation of the enucleated left eye due to retinoblastoma by presenting a case of a 5-year-old child restored with a noninvasive customized ocular prosthesis fabricated by modifying the stock eye to achieve a comfortable fit, slight motility, and esthetics. The patient was assessed for compliance, level of satisfaction, and the need for replacement of the prosthesis at follow-up periods of 1, 3, and 6 months. This article encourages pediatric dentists to successfully manage minor patients and prosthetically rehabilitate the orofacial defects to facilitate the development of the orbital region and enhance the self-esteem of the child.
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