Journal of South Asian Association of Pediatric Dentistry

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VOLUME 6 , ISSUE 1 ( January-April, 2023 ) > List of Articles


Oral Pyogenic Granuloma in an 11-year-old Child: A Case Report

Subhani Vaidya, Senchhema Limbu, Parajeeta Dikshit, Manisha Malla

Keywords : Oral cavity, Pyogenic granuloma, Surgical excision

Citation Information : Vaidya S, Limbu S, Dikshit P, Malla M. Oral Pyogenic Granuloma in an 11-year-old Child: A Case Report. J South Asian Assoc Pediatr Dent 2023; 6 (1):31-34.

DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10077-3251

License: CC BY-NC 4.0

Published Online: 22-04-2023

Copyright Statement:  Copyright © 2023; The Author(s).


Pyogenic granuloma (PG) is the most common inflammatory hyperplasia occurring in the oral cavity that occurs as a reactive or reparative response to factors such as local irritation, physical trauma, food impaction, periodontitis, or hormonal factors. These lesions are seen most frequently among people in the 20s but are not common among children. This paper describes the case of a PG associated with an 11-year-old female patient, with a detailed description of clinical, radiographic, and histopathologic features, and its surgical management by complete excision of the mass.

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