Comparative Evaluation of Visual and Taste Distraction Techniques using RMS Pictorial Scale in making of Periapical Radiographs
Saumya V Rathi, Nikita Agrawal, Anup Kumar, Jinu M Abraham
Citation Information :
Rathi SV, Agrawal N, Kumar A, Abraham JM. Comparative Evaluation of Visual and Taste Distraction Techniques using RMS Pictorial Scale in making of Periapical Radiographs. J South Asian Assoc Pediatr Dent 2022; 5 (1):32-37.
Anxiety is often experienced by children. Various methods of reducing anxiety have been used in dentistry. Amongst this distraction is commonly used.
Aim: The aim of the study was to compare visual and taste distraction techniques during intraoral periapical radiography in children.
Materials and methods: This study was an experimental study. The sample size was 60 and they were randomly allocated into group A- No Distraction (n = 20), group B- Taste Distraction with the help of the Lollipop method (n = 20), and group C- Visual Distraction Method with the help of Projector method (n = 20). The child's anxiety was checked with the help of the RMS Pictorial Scale. The anxiety was assessed before and after taking radiographs in respective groups.
Result: Student t-test and one-way ANOVA was used to find the significance of study parameters. The highest anxiety reduction (mean difference) was seen in the visual distraction technique followed by taste distraction and no distraction technique.
Conclusion: Environmental distractions such as visual and taste distraction techniques provide a positive environment and thereby help to reduce the anxiety in the child.
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