Knowledge of Physical Education Teachers of Chandigarh with Regard to Emergency Management of Avulsed Teeth at School
Leena Verma, Sidhi Passi, Jyoti Gupta
Citation Information :
Verma L, Passi S, Gupta J. Knowledge of Physical Education Teachers of Chandigarh with Regard to Emergency Management of Avulsed Teeth at School. J South Asian Assoc Pediatr Dent 2022; 5 (1):17-21.
Objective: To assess the knowledge of Chandigarh physical education teachers regarding emergency management of avulsed teeth at school.
Methods: A cross-sectional survey was conducted on 100 physical education teachers of Chandigarh using a questionnaire surveying demographic data and knowledge to manage tooth avulsion. A stratified random sampling technique was used to select the required sample. Data obtained was statistically analyzed using Chi-square test, descriptive statistics, and t-test.
Results: Out of 100 school physical education teachers surveyed, 61% of the physical education trainers (PET) were having first aid training and 39% were not having any training. 44% of PET said tap water is the best storage medium followed by 19% fresh milk and 11% child's saliva. There was a statistically significant difference in knowledge to manage avulsed teeth between trained and untrained dentists regarding the extra-alveolar duration method (p = 0.0001), an extra-alveolar storage medium (p = 0.008).
Conclusion: This study suggested that the knowledge about the concept of management of avulsed teeth was lacking in Chandigarh physical education teachers. Educational programs should be introduced to them to modify the approach of teachers to manage tooth avulsion at school.
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