Dental Management of a Child Patient with Amelogenesis Imperfecta
PA Hewage, Primali Jayasooriya, Chandra K Herath
Citation Information :
Hewage P, Jayasooriya P, Herath CK. Dental Management of a Child Patient with Amelogenesis Imperfecta. J South Asian Assoc Pediatr Dent 2021; 4 (2):134-137.
Amelogenesis imperfecta (AI) is a hereditary disorder of enamel. In AI, the structure and clinical appearance of both primary and permanent dentition are affected in more or less an equal manner. Its enamel characteristically shows hypoplasia or hypomineralization or hypomaturation. Because of the intricacy of the condition, the major challenge that restorative dentists face in rehabilitating patients with AI is restoring esthetics, function, and occlusal stability with minimum intervention. The patient was diagnosed as AI with a hypomineralized type of sporadic inheritance. His appearance and function of the teeth led to diminished social interactions. Provisional treatment was performed to improve dental esthetics, preserve oral function, and improve the patient's self-confidence.
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