An Unusual Foreign Object Encircling Primary Teeth: A Case Report
Madhuri Vegesna
Keywords :
Foreign object, Primary teeth, Plastic ring
Citation Information :
Vegesna M. An Unusual Foreign Object Encircling Primary Teeth: A Case Report. J South Asian Assoc Pediatr Dent 2021; 4 (2):128-130.
Fortuitous placement of objects into the mouth and nibbling while playing is common among infants and toddlers. Most of the time, it is unnoticed until the child complains of pain or discomfort. Sometimes, the inadvertent gnawing of these tiny bits and pieces may injure the oral tissues leading to infections if not intervened at an early stage. It is quite challenging to remove such foreign objects and preserve the involved teeth, especially in young children. This case report highlights one such incident in a 15-month-old child which cost him his lower two central incisors.
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