Digital Radiographic Evaluation of Primary Molar Obturation Following Use of Lentulo Spiral and Endodontic Pressure Syringe in Root Canals Prepared with Rotary Ni-Ti Files and Manual Files: An In Vivo Study
Priya Subramaniam, Usha D Chandolu, Megha Gupta
Citation Information :
Subramaniam P, Chandolu UD, Gupta M. Digital Radiographic Evaluation of Primary Molar Obturation Following Use of Lentulo Spiral and Endodontic Pressure Syringe in Root Canals Prepared with Rotary Ni-Ti Files and Manual Files: An In Vivo Study. J South Asian Assoc Pediatr Dent 2021; 4 (1):9-15.
Aim and objective: The study aimed to evaluate and compare the quality of obturation in root canals of primary molars using two methods of obturation (lentulo spiral, endodontic pressure syringe), following preparation with either rotary nickel-titanium files or manual nickel-titanium files.
Materials and methods: A total of 100 primary molars from children aged 5–9 years were divided into 2 groups; consisting of 50 teeth each. In group I and group II, cleaning and shaping of root canals were done using rotary files and manual Ni-Ti files, respectively. Each group was further subdivided into 2 subgroups comprising 25 teeth each and obturated with zinc oxide eugenol, using either endodontic pressure syringe or lentulo spiral. The quality of obturation was evaluated using digital radiographs, for the length of obturation, presence, and location of voids. Data obtained were subjected to statistical analysis using Student's t-test, Chi-square test, and one-way ANOVA.
Results: Rotary preparation of canals with obturation using an endodontic pressure syringe resulted in fewer voids. With manual files, overfilling of canals was comparable with both techniques of obturation. More number of voids were seen in canals obturated using the lentulo spiral technique.
Conclusion: Rotary preparation of root canals followed by endodontic pressure syringe obturation gave more dense, uniform, and optimal filling than canals obturated with lentulo spiral files.
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