Noncommunicative Behavior Assessment of Parents during Restorative Dental Procedures Using Verbal and Written Instructions in a Pediatric Dental Setup
Shital Kiran, Nirav Barad
Citation Information :
Kiran S, Barad N. Noncommunicative Behavior Assessment of Parents during Restorative Dental Procedures Using Verbal and Written Instructions in a Pediatric Dental Setup. J South Asian Assoc Pediatr Dent 2021; 4 (1):3-8.
Background: Fear in the children is normal during dental treatment procedures, where the child wants to be with his or her parents during treatment procedures, and parental presence comforts the child in the dental operatory. The objective of this study was to decide compliance in entreating parents to endure silence (noncommunicative) while escorting their child into the dental operatory for restorative care and also to know if any variance in parental compliance occurred once verbal instructions were given to parents vs written instructions only.
Materials and methods: Forty parents of aged 4–9 years attending restorative care were selected and divided into two groups. Group I (n = 20) parents were given verbal instructions only, and in group II (n = 20) parents received written instructions only.
Results: Of the 40 (72.5%) parents, 29 obeyed the instructions to remain silent. No statistical difference was noted in parental compliance to remain silent compared to the verbal instructions only (85%) vs written instructions only (60%).
Conclusion: Parents did comply with instructions to remain a silent as well as acted as a passive observer in the operatory when provided either written or verbal instruction.
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