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Manek S, Jawdekar AM. Assessment of Dietary Behavior Change in Families Participating in a “2-Week Sugar Challenge”: An Observational Study. J South Asian Assoc Pediatr Dent 2020; 3 (1):14-18.
Background: Dietary behaviors are a result of social and cultural practices; consumption of sugar-rich food and beverages being no exception. The World Health Organization (WHO) sugar guideline 2015 states that adults and children should reduce their daily intake of sugar to less than 10% of their total energy and a further reduction to 5% would provide additional health benefits. In view of this, a dietary behavior change pertaining to free-sugar reduction is needed in families. Aim: To assess the dietary behavior change in families participating in a “2-week sugar challenge” in terms of their willingness to participate and adherence to the challenge and defaults. Settings and design: A 2-week sugar challenge was conducted in a residential complex in Mumbai. Materials and methods: This study consisted of a convenient sample of 30 families with children belonging to 3- to 12-year age-group, who were approached for the study. They were given a list of products to be avoided and that could be consumed. Families and individuals were assessed for willingness to participate and adherence to the challenge. Statistical analysis: Variable means, standard deviations, and percentages were analyzed. Results: Of the contacted families, more than 80% (with children aged 3–12 years) were willing to participate in the study. Of the participating families, 2.70% and 3.22% of adults and children sustained the challenge for 2 weeks, respectively. None of the families as a whole could adhere to the challenge. The mean number of days the challenge was sustained by adults and children was 2.96 (±3.79) and 3.04 (±3.77), respectively. The most common defaulted food item was “milk additives.” Conclusion: Willingness in terms of sugar challenge was high but sustainability was poor.
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