Keywords :
Dental caries, DMFT, Pit and fissure morphology, Sealants, Young permanent first molar
Citation Information :
Altaf G, Garg S, Saraf BG, Beg A, Anand M. Clinical Study of Pit and Fissure Morphology and its Relationship with Caries Prevalence in Young Permanent First Molars. J South Asian Assoc Pediatr Dent 2019; 2 (2):56-60.
Aim: To study the various types of pit and fissure morphology in young permanent first molars and their relationship with caries prevalence arch-wise and quadrant-wise. Materials and methods: Four hundred young permanent first molars in 100 patients between 8 years and 10 years were examined. Teeth were examined using dental caries diagnostic index, decayed missing filled surfaces of permanent first molar (DMFSM1) index per the World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines (2013), and pit and fissure morphology index (Symons, 1996). Results: It was found that intermediate type of fissures was most prevalent followed by shallow type of fissures. Deep fissures had significantly more caries than intermediate, and shallow had the least incidence of caries, irrespective of the jaw type and arch side. Also, in general, the left side of arch had lesser caries than that in the right side. Conclusion: It is recommended to seal off the intermediate and deep pits and fissures in children with high risk of caries, and appropriate preventive measures should be taken. Tooth morphology can be used as an indicator to identify the children at high risk, especially in settings where resources are not adequate.
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