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Shivasharan PR, Jawdekar A M, Pankey NN, Unnikrishnan S. Acceptance of Parents to Silver Diamine Fluoride in Pre-cooperative Children: A Cross-sectional Study. J South Asian Assoc Pediatr Dent 2019; 2 (2):49-55.
Aim: To evaluate the acceptance of silver diamine fluoride (SDF) among parents of pre-cooperative children. Materials and methods: This was a questionnaire-based study. Prevalidated questionnaires were distributed to the parents of pre-cooperative children with dental caries. The response rate was 100%. Data were statistically analyzed using Chi-square test. Results: Of 105 parents, 71.42% were mothers, 21.90% were fathers, and 6.66% were other caregivers. In relation to noncooperation of the children in the past, 22.85% of the parents of the children above 36 months chose SDF, whereas only 4.76% of the parents of children 36 months of age and below chose SDF (p = 0.047). Discoloration of front teeth was acceptable to 33.33% of the parents below the income of 25,000 INR and was not acceptable to 14.29% (p = 0.033). For front teeth, 33.33% of the parents above the income of 25,000 INR did not accept SDF treatment when there were behavioral barriers, whereas 13.33% accepted it (p = 0.003). Also, acceptance of SDF for back teeth was 32.38% to the parents below the income of 25,000 INR in contrast to 15.24% of who did not accept it (p = 0.001). Conclusion: SDF is acceptable to parents and potentially useful in patients who are unable to obtain traditional restorative treatments due to cooperation, access, costs, and apprehension of general anesthesia.
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