Assessment of Knowledge and Awareness Regarding Dental Home among Pediatric Residents in Vadodara City, Gujarat, India: A Cross-sectional Study
Srushti Vaidya, Seema Bargale, Bhavna Dave, Gaurav Chawda, Paridhi Shah
Keywords :
Dental home, Pediatric residents, Primary care
Citation Information :
Vaidya S, Bargale S, Dave B, Chawda G, Shah P. Assessment of Knowledge and Awareness Regarding Dental Home among Pediatric Residents in Vadodara City, Gujarat, India: A Cross-sectional Study. J South Asian Assoc Pediatr Dent 2019; 2 (1):5-9.
Introduction: The dental home is inclusive of all aspects of oral health that results from the interaction of the patient, parents, dentists, and pediatricians. Pediatricians being the first point of contact are considered to be in a unique position to diagnose oral diseases early and are expected to stay updated with the concept of dental home.
Materials and methods: A cross-sectional survey study design was conducted among 60 pediatric residents in two medical institutes. A questionnaire comprising 12 questions was distributed and they were asked to fill the proforma. Descriptive statistical analysis was done.
Results: One hundred percent samples favored promoting oral health and spread awareness about the concept of dental home. About 70% of the pediatric residents from a private university and 60% of the pediatric residents from a public university examined the oral cavity as a part of their routine oral examination. About 56.7% of the residents from a private university and 40% of the residents from a public university discussed about oral health with their parents. About 60% of the residents from a private university and 53.3% of the residents from a public university were aware of the presence of a dental home in their institutes. About 63.3% of the residents from a private university and 46.6% of the residents from a public university were aware of the ideal time to visit a dental home for the first time.
Conclusion: Awareness of the presence of dental home was more in residents from a private university. Referral to the dental home was higher by private university residents. There exists a lack of knowledge and understanding regarding the concept of dental home among the pediatric residents of Vadodara city. 2011, Indian. “Indian Census 2011”.
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